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Selectmen's Minutes - May 2, 1994
            Minutes: May 2, 1994 - Selectmen Meeting

Selectmen attending: Joseph Frisoli, Chair; Judith Murdoch, Vice-
Chair; Robert Andrews, James Haggerty and Catherine Kuchinski,
Clerk.  Also: Joseph Nugent, Executive Secretary to the Board and
Town Counsel Everett Marder.

I. Opening:  Chair Frisoli called meeting to order at 7:10pm in
the auditorium of WHRHS.  Meeting posted here because this is the
location for Town Meeting.  The agenda was given at meeting.

II. Thomas Hall Memorial Committee status: Kuchinski was
requested to give an update of any progress made.  She could
report none since no date offered was convenient to the Library
Trustees.  She was looking forward to a meeting being set up
after Town Meeting per the last word she had from the Chair of
the Board of Library Trustees.  Frisoli confirmed that Town
Counsel had received a call from the Attorney General's office
looking for a meeting to determine the course to be taken.
Kuchinski noted she was expecting the meeting to take place the
second week of May at the attorney general's office.  Per advice
of Town Counsel Frisoli wants to have a meeting with the Chair of
the Trustees, the Memorial Committee, himself and Marder.  He
suggested 6pm Wednesday, May 4, 1994 at Town Hall.   Marder had
been expecting some discussion within the special meeting on the
article Kuchinski had originally attempted to have on warrant.
However, the Selectmen's added codicil that both committees agree
on the report nullified that option since there was no meeting.

III. Zoning Article Recommendations:  Board had postponed action
on the following articles until this meeting:
Motion 5/2/94.1: move to recommend Article 21 zoning change on
County Road.  Motion made by Haggerty with second by Murdoch.
Motion carried 4-1 (Kuchinski).
Motion 5/2/94.2: move to recommend Article 22 zoning change on
Winter Street - Huntley property.  Motion made by Andrews with
second by Haggerty.  Motion carried 3-2 (Murdoch and Kuchinski).
Motion 5/2/94.3: move to recommend Article 23 zoning change on
property owned by Philip Burne.  Motion made by Haggerty with
second by Murdoch.  Motion carried 3-2 (Andrews and Kuchinski).
Motion 5/2/94.4: move to recommend Article 24 zoning housekeeping
language.  Motion made by Haggerty with second by Murdoch.
Motion carried 5-0.
Motion 5/2/94.5: move to recommend Article 25 zoning housekeeping
language.  Motion made by Haggerty with second by Andrews.
Motion carried 5-0.
Motion 5/2/94.6: move to recommend Article 26 zoning housekeeping
language.  Motion made by Haggerty with second by Murdoch.
Motion carried 5-0.

                             Haggerty left table at 7:30pm.
IV. Figures for Fire article on Special Warrant: The final figure
for transfer request has been pared to $11,000.  Motion 5/2/94.7:
move to submit motion for article as $11,000 to be transferred to
cover fire expenditures.  Motion made by Murdoch with second by
Andrews.  Motion carried 4-0.

V. Route 58 - Crowley - 184 Monponsett Street: Kuchinski reported
that she had visited the property this evening and that several
items promised last year still remained to be finished:  The
driveway had been promised to be sealcoated (presently there is
only the sides done and the base coat in the middle is being
pitted) - it would not be asking too much if an additional space
of 6 inches on driveway also be finished coated in order to fix
the cracks caused by the break-up of the driveway for the
project; the fencing on the wall is expected to be done shortly;
last year mulch and loam had been promised for the spring fix-up
project; it was also noted that a crack has developed in the
extended wall section.    Selectmen agreed that further contact
with the state should be done to have Todesca and State comply
with promises made.

VI. Adjournment. Motion 5/2/94.8: move to adjourn.   Motion by
Andrews with second by Kuchinski.  Motion carried 4-0.